iCloud Restore Apps Install then Vanish: Fix

For the last two iCloud restores, I see all my apps in the right place with the greyed out progress bars. The problem is that each app would download, install, then vanish. I had to redownload all apps that I wanted and rearrange them, ouch. When I had to get my iPhone 5 replaced for a faulty top lock button, the same thing happened. The fix I found was a language change after the phone restores your settings and before it starts downloading your apps. Basically a language change forces the springboard, e.g. your desktop of iPhone, to restart and fixes the problem. You can’t do it initially because as soon as your settings are restored you language prep comes with it. So it’s a matter of timing it after your preferences are restored and before you apps are downloaded.

I want to apologize for not being able to recover the article I found about the fix. It was good and I want to pay tribute, once I can find it again. Saved me a bunch of time.

Lesson: Changing the language of your phone and forgetting about it will warrant a crazy Siri experience and a Siri who doesn’t quite understand you. English (UK) Siri is a Brit dude. English (AUS) is regular Siri with an Aussie accent. Good Times!

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Reminders App Badge Stuck on (2)

After upgrading to iOS6 my reminders app was showing one uncompleted reminder I could not get rid of. Very frustrating, but it turns out it’s rather easy to fix. When iOS 6 updated it hid all local reminder lists, if you had any open reminders in those lists they still contribute to badge count but don’t appear in the app. You have to search to reveal them. Here’s how:

  1. Search a single letter, I used ‘C’.
  2. Uncompleted reminders will appear at the top.
  3. Check them and viola.

Here’s the article I found on how to do it.

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The void of iDisk: Use Dropbox!

30 Days left. Unprepared: I am not.

Today I got an email reaffirming what I knew was coming. iDisk is going away at the end of June (June 30, 2012 to be exact). I’ve been investigating alternatives for a while in order to figure out what will replace the trusted, secure, service that was iDisk. After many experiments: My recommendation is Dropbox. It is the easiest to use alternative that is as much like, if not way better, than iDisk. They give you 2GB free with many options paid and free to expand that. I’ve tried Box.net for a free 50GB, but their lack of desktop client and integration makes them as useless as iCloud for me in the iDisk replacement arena.

Dropbox is the best alternative to iDisk with several enhancements!



Storage & Cost

Despite the amazing desktop client I’ll get into in a minute. You get  2GB free on sign up (plus 250MB if you use a referral, here’s my referral > http://db.tt/lNA0KLKd ) As an alternative to iDisk, their 50GB paid account is $99/yr which is a 30GB increase from iDisk. As a free account holder you can get up to 16GB in 500MB increments for each referral. There are also team accounts for business in which for a varying fee you get from 1TB – 3TB to share with your team of users. Each user in a team has their own private Dropbox, the only thing shared is any folder specifically shared, see below. Pricing and specifics are available here: https://www.dropbox.com/pricing

Integration & Usability

The most outstanding feature of Dropbox is how easy it is to use. The desktop client makes it seamless when saving and accessing files on your desktop, laptop, iOS device, PC, or Android device, everything is both in the cloud as well as local so it’s fast and backed-up off-site. So your files are accessible wherever you need them and are always safely backed up on Dropbox’s servers. What’s even more impressive is the ability to share things with others. This is the aspect I’ve really grown to love about this service.

Mobile Integration

I can only speak to integration with iOS (iPhone/iPad) but it’s pretty awesome. Any file in your Dropbox is available on your device, most can be opened in the app itself, if not in supporting apps. iWork files can be thrown over to Numbers/Pages/Keynote, edited, then re-uploaded to Dropbox (direct integration is not yet available but you can email the saved file to yourself, then upload from email back to Dropbox).

Share and Collaborate

There are several levels of sharing the power of the options is still becoming clear to me.

Quick and Easy: Files & Folders, no Dropbox account needed

You can share a single file or folder with a simple right-click > ‘Get Link’, this copies a link that anyone you send it to can use to access that file or folder, without needing a Dropbox account. It’s viewable or downloadable in any modern browser right there. This makes exchanging files far easier than dealing with FTP non-sense. 

Collaboration between Dropbox accounts: Work together with the best version control available

You can ‘share’ a folder to other Dropbox users. They can see that folder in their Dropbox account and add files, delete files, modify files. All changes you will see reflected in your the same folder in your own Dropbox. Dropbox also saves each saved version, so through the website you can recover/revert to any version of a file quickly and easily, even if it was overwritten or deleted. [some restrictions apply on free accounts, but this is an amazing feature]

Also if you have multiple accounts, you can share folder from one to another. You can also change ownership of a folder, so if you make a folder in one account, share it to another, and loose the other account (say a paid work account) you can transfer ownership of the folders you need back to your personal account.

Don’t take my word for it: take the tour!

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iCloud Restore Freeze Fix

Nothing installing... just "waiting" in place

Encountered the “Music Not Working” bug in iOS 5 Beta 7 after installing as an update over-the-air (OTA). The iPod app would start skipping songs like they were lost, usually they appear greyed out but not now. They act like lost files without a promo, skipping to the next song. A day late i found this fix.

So I tried to restore from iCloud backup (this is the only way i know) ‘erase all content and settings’ and restore from iCloud on reboot. I started using the iCloud backup with Beta 5. It restored settings, then the apps started downloading, got about half way then froze mid install on the ‘weber grill’ app, after a couple hours and wifi network change it reverted to “waiting”. About half my apps had installed and the rest were just ‘waiting’. iCloud settings said it was still restoring but waiting most of the day nothing else came down, “just waiting”.

I tried:

  • Installing an update, the app to update turned grey (pending new icon) and just hung there.
  • I tried downloading a new app, that hung too.
  • I tried deleting the an app in waiting, as if some sort of roadblock. System hung, borked restart screen. Soft reset fixed it back to half apps “waiting”.

Tonight I’d had enough: I backed up my new photos, then I stopped the restore from iCloud. Everything stayed the way it was, still “waiting”. Then I turned off iCloud backup, did a quick iTunes backup (just in case), and then a full sync with iTunes. Took a bit but it picked up installing the ‘waiting’ apps, and now I’m back up and running. Just need to sit through a full iTunes music sync, maybe it will work right and do it via wifi tonight while charging, we’ll see.

Love iCloud backup, but might wait until they have it live (and I have more storage being a legacy MobileMe user).

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